Referee Articles
Since the beginning of football, or soccer, the referee’s signals for players’ law violations have changed considerably. At first a white handkerchief was raised to signal a foul. This was controversial since many players continued playing disregarding the signal. Next was the idea of using some form of audible signal. A bell was introduced and for years this was utilized, however, controversy continued. Often the bell, which came to be replaced by the whistle, could not be heard over the crowd noise.
By Jose Borda, Revista Arbitros
Make good use of the whistle
Use it well
The whistle must be blown decisively and always loudly enough for all players involved to hear it. This does not mean to blow the whistle loud and long every time, but to vary it according to the seriousness of the offense.
When a referee does not whistle vigorously, players see this as a sign of doubt. In situations, if a decision is changed, and it appears obvious that there has been a mistake, it is best to use the whistle and make the correction at the same time, which allows players to resume their positions.
When necessary
The whistle is needed to start the game in their first and second halves, to restart after a goal, to stop the game to award a free kick or penalty kick, to suspend or terminate a game and to end the game at the conclusion of official time. It is also necessary to order the resumption of the game on free throws, to allow a wall to be positioned at a proper distance and in the taking of penalty kicks.
Finally, its use is required to restart the game after a stoppage due to yellow or red cards being issued, an injury or a substitution.
It is not necessary to whistle to stop play for a goal kick, corner kick or throw-in, as most often, these are clear possession changes. The referee should not whistle to validate a goal, unless it was doubtful. Also, a whistle is not needed to resume play after a free kick, goal kick or throw-in.
Repeat whistles
A repeat the whistle should be used when two different team players are contending for the ball and it is not clear for whom the whistle is intended. It is also important to use a repeat whistle when you want to avoid conflicts between players and to draw attention to a player when you have to apply a disciplinary measure and the player tries to avoid it.
A whistle that is overused, unnecessarily, will lessen its impact when it is needed, but it does have to be used to maintain the referee’s credibility.
Repeat the whistle should be used when two different team players will get the ball to make any resumption and nobody knows your address, it is also important to use when you want to avoid conflicts between them and to draw attention to a player when you have take a disciplinary measure and it wants to avoid it.
A whistle is used too frequently unnecessarily will have less impact when it is needed is for this reason that the more you use it will have more credibility.